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Olney Ballet Theatre is committed to extending the education of young dancers in the arts by providing opportunities to perform in a theater setting before live audiences, thereby enhancing and giving meaning to their years of dance training. Olney Ballet Theatre is equally committed to becoming an educational resource that will provide cultural enrichment for the community, particularly for the community’s young people, through presentations of high quality, original productions of understandable, entertaining story ballets performed by young dancers.

Membership in OBT is open, by audition, to all interested young dancers who seek performance opportunities in addition to those at their individual dance studio programs. No person, on the grounds of race, color, national origin, or sex, who is otherwise qualified, shall be excluded from participation in Olney Ballet Theatre. Furthermore, no person who is otherwise qualified shall be excluded from participation or be denied the benefits of or be subjected to discrimination solely by reason of his or her handicap.


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